As she approaches her fortieth birthday, Camille Vaccaro leads a charmed life––one that revolves around her loving husband and her precocious daughter, Lila. But that life unravels rapid...
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As she approaches her fortieth birthday, Camille Vaccaro leads a charmed life––one that revolves around her loving husband and her precocious daughter, Lila. But that life unravels rapid...
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As she approaches her fortieth birthday, Camille Vaccaro leads a charmed life––one that revolves around her loving husband and her precocious daughter, Lila. But that life unravels rapidly after Camille's father reveals on his deathbed that he is not her birth father. Before she can digest this news, another traumatic event completely upends her world, sending her to prison and threatening her ability to ever find her way back to her marriage, her child, and an understanding of herself.Meanwhile, at fourteen, and through no fault of her own, Lila is forced to come to terms with the aftermath of events that have sent her adolescence spiraling into chaos.Can this mother and daughter navigate the events of the past to find new stability in the present and build a future together?