Bitty From Ashes

Donielle McCraw


Put on your walking shoes because in this book you will walk through twenty-two years. You'll walk down long roads and see many things with the woman of a family Satan worked hard to destroy.You'll se...
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Put on your walking shoes because in this book you will walk through twenty-two years. You'll walk down long roads and see many things with the woman of a family Satan worked hard to destroy.You'll see how Satan preys on individuals, marriages, and families, and how he works extra hard on those he's afraid of.You'll see spiritual growth in yourself while walking down roads of your own through journaling, studying scripture, and praying through your own struggles.You'll see proof like never before of God's mighty hand at work chapter after chapter.You'll see normal, imperfect people make big mistakes on their road to redemption and likely be able to identify with them in some areas of your own life and marriage.As you take this journey, you'll walk the roads that led to the destruction of a marriage and see that it was too messy and impossible to fix. Then you'll see how our God is the God of the impossible and how a woman who once took roads that separated her from God and her husband walked those same roads that led her back into God's perfect will.The best part is you'll see Satan lose the war as you walk with her through fire and see Bitty rise from ashes. God has never lost a battle, and He never will!

Donielle McCraw | 9781639032495 | REL012030 | BIO018000 | book-has-featured-image