Easter and Me

Martha Yamnitz


It is the greatest story ever told. The story of God's love for us and his Son's determination to make a way for us to live with him forever! Explore the events and feel the emotions leading up to the...
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It is the greatest story ever told. The story of God's love for us and his Son's determination to make a way for us to live with him forever! Explore the events and feel the emotions leading up to the miraculous moment of Jesus rising from the dead. Easter and Me is a Bible story written for children with life application questions that will help children of all ages see God's love for them and Jesus's great desire to never be separated from them. This is a book designed for caregivers and children to share, taking them through the story of Easter. Questions are placed on each page to be used by parents, grandparents, or teachers to help children grasp how the Easter story, found in the New Testament, matters and relates to their life today. With delightful illustrations enhancing the story and questions that can be used to start great discussions, Easter and Me is a book your family will turn to again and again.Please visit thebibleandme.org for additional tips and ideas for using Easter and Me with your children or class.
Martha Yamnitz | 9781098087951 | JNF049040 | book-has-featured-image