All You Have to Give Me

Joan Holdcroft


Have you ever faced a situation that was so overwhelming or so confusing you didn't even know how to pray about it? Have you ever been so overcome with grief or burdened by heartache you couldn't put ...
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Have you ever faced a situation that was so overwhelming or so confusing you didn't even know how to pray about it? Have you ever been so overcome with grief or burdened by heartache you couldn't put your emotions into words---much less pray about them?(Billy Graham: Hope for Each Day)

What a comfort these words should be: "The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us... in accordance with God's will."(Romans 8:26-27, NIV)

"Turn to God in every situation---even when you don't feel like it. The Spirit is interceding for you, in accordance with God's will."(Billy Graham: Hope for Each Day)

The Lord put it on my heart many years ago, to write a book about my Salvation experience. I never would have believed that Jesus would appear to me, "in the flesh", but He did. Nor would I have believed that I would have been blessed enough, to have such long conversation with Him, but I did.

In his book, Hope for Each Day, Billy Graham states, "Although many of us fear the unknown, Jesus Christ can bring peace to those who trust in Him. When we give control to the Lord, He protects us. That is why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to live in us, to lift us up, as we continue to live out our lives. I pray this book will be a blessing, to everyone that reads it. May our Lord be your encourager and Savior."

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