The Protectors and the Motorcyclists

John Mansfield


All of Jack's life, he had experienced many close calls with serious injury or death. They began when he was very young and continued throughout his life. He always believed he was just lucky, but at ...
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All of Jack's life, he had experienced many close calls with serious injury or death. They began when he was very young and continued throughout his life. He always believed he was just lucky, but at the age of about twenty, he came to realize God and his angels, indeed, were protecting him.All of the supernatural events that happened to Jack through the years are real. Even as a teenager, he had a premonition of his younger brother's death. For obvious reasons, he only told a few people just bits and pieces of the strange things that had happened to him. He didn't want people to think he was crazy. In fact, for his entire life, he never even told his parents about these experiences.Jack became a very passionate motorcyclist as a means to try to balance the extreme anxiety he often felt as a result of his otherworldly experiences. The many motorcycle trips he took were therapeutic for him in so many ways.Over time, he developed a rather unique theory about the direction mankind was taking and the shape of things to come. More than anything else, this is the story about the ups and downs most people face in life and how having complete trust in God can get you through even the most difficult situations.
John Mansfield | 9781685175795 | OCC025000 | book-has-featured-image