A Book of Biblical Treasures

Sinthera Dodson


A Book of Biblical Treasures contains a wealth of biblical knowledge that answers some of those most difficult questions about the deities of the Godhead. It is a learning tool for knowing about the T...
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A Book of Biblical Treasures contains a wealth of biblical knowledge that answers some of those most difficult questions about the deities of the Godhead. It is a learning tool for knowing about the Trinity of the Godhead and what are the things that separates one from the other. It is also an educational tool for understanding the Bible. It has information that encourages its readers to look deep within their spiritual being as to the person that God created them to be, and it ignites the hearts and minds of all its readers to want a solid relationship with God through acknowledging him as Creator of all things in heaven and upon the earth. Finally, A Book of Biblical Treasures leads all its readers through God's plan of salvation for all of humanity, and it teaches the effectiveness of prayers in our lives as human beings by teaching us all two of the most important prayers intended for mankind: the Teaching Prayer and the Saving Prayer. This book contains mostly scripture from the King James Version of the Bible. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15).

Sinthera Dodson | 9781098076788 | REL012030 | REL083000 | book-has-featured-image