Church Advance Forward, Boots on the Ground

Valerie K. Thornton


Whenever God desires to do something on the earth, a child is born. From Abraham to Jesus Christ, from Jesus to the disciples, from the disciples to Paul, from Paul to you and me. God has raised us up...
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Whenever God desires to do something on the earth, a child is born. From Abraham to Jesus Christ, from Jesus to the disciples, from the disciples to Paul, from Paul to you and me. God has raised us up to be his hands extended in the marketplace to the world. He called us to partner with him and to advance forward to be a light in the darkness. He has commissioned us to go into the high places, to tear down the kingdom of darkness, and to build up the kingdom of light. He has snatched us out of the fire, and he has commissioned us to go and show others the way out.

Acts 1:8 states, “You shall receive power (ability efficiency and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses.” You have the authority through the Holy Spirit that lives in you, to proclaim the good news. The Bible said that they overcame by the blood of the lamb the cleansing, forgiving, redeeming, the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death (Revelation 12:11). You have a testimony and a witness inside you that the world needs to hear.

Tell them what you have seen, what you have heard, and what you have experienced so that they too may realize and enjoy fellowship as partners in partakers with us. This fellowship that we have is a distinguishing mark of a believer with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

I would venture to say that we all have been called to one of these cultural mountains of influence (art, religion, media, education, family government, economics, and corporate sector). This is a clarion call to the church, or should I say the body of Christ. It is a call to advance forward, to go forth, a call to action. You are the boots on the ground!


by Rev. Dr. Faith A. Allen

Pastor Jamison Memorial Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Ours is an age of great trouble, but even greater opportunities. The key to our success is to take the enduring principles of God's Word and aptly apply them to a waiting generation.

If our nation is to turn to God and to good, the Church must be revived and renewed in commitment and power and prepared to be on the front lines of God's marketplace.

Pastor Valerie speaks powerfully about authentic discipleship and evangelism being the major needs of the Church. She speaks to not only to the reader's mind, but also to our hearts and our feet. I cannot say enough to describe my gratitude for her vision and passion. She serves us with a classical piece of practical yet scholarly study that summons us to decision.

This book is provocative and instructive. It is a significant and most helpful production. Preachers and teachers will profit by a careful examination of this book.

No one can read this book without being challenged and instructed to make the Church all that Christ would have her to be. It is a stirring call to Christians everywhere.

Bless you Pastor Valerie! What a wonderfully powerful weapon for such a time as this! The clarion call to the Church has been extended to go in victory, authority, and power! It must now place boots on the ground. Not just boots on the ground but boots on the ground stomping and advancing forward as agents of change to bind Satan and to lose his victims. Clarion call extended; Clarion call received!

Praise God!

Valerie K. Thornton | 9781098037871 | OCC019000 | OCC011020 | book-has-featured-image