The Secret

Debi Towns


Life is good. For most of us in America, life is very good. Many of us spend our years following our career dreams, enjoying those we love, trying to give back to our communities, and even being invol...
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Life is good. For most of us in America, life is very good. Many of us spend our years following our career dreams, enjoying those we love, trying to give back to our communities, and even being involved in our church. It is all great stuff.

The good life becomes the goal. It gives a confident but false feeling of security by letting us think God must be okay with us because things are smooth. We rarely, if ever, seek to know our Creator in a personal way. Often justifying that our decisions are His will, we glide along through the good life.

But He wants more. When there is an awakening of the soul, it is God calling us. Sometimes life takes us to a place we don't know--but a place where God can get our attention. And if we are fortunate enough to listen and choose to follow His call, He will respond and come in and dwell with us. We finally belong. We belong to the one who transcends this life. Our desire to be with Him begins to absorb us.

For some, this can be a traumatic or dramatic experience. But many may not have such an eventful conversion. The good, decent life that many live in today's America may actually make it more difficult to realize that the plan of salvation is meant for each individually. God does not want to just coexist somewhere out there; He is the reason for our existence. He loves us and wants a relationship with each of us.

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