Amerika Year One+

Daniel De Prophet


After the events of the 2020 presidential election, a Cuban teacher in Miami identifies signs of the type of society he left behind. Concerned about the conversion of the United States into a totalita...
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After the events of the 2020 presidential election, a Cuban teacher in Miami identifies signs of the type of society he left behind. Concerned about the conversion of the United States into a totalitarian country, he begins sending email alerts to known people. The mails have become analyses of the evolving situation and a chronicle of the occupation of each field by the radical left. Education becomes indoctrination, news becomes harmful propaganda, and the health system is corrupt and used as a weapon to submit the population, purge people from their jobs, and control the individual. Workplaces, universities, and even the military create commissions that use race as a pretext to purge their ranks. CRT, the Marxist offspring, becomes the doctrine of people in power. The judicial system, including its head and their repressive corps, becomes servers of just one party. People are put in jail just for political reasons, and freedom of speech is canceled under the rules of a fascist document called NSCDT. This is a book with serious accusations but supported by the words and actions of those in power and their servers. It is also a call to react against the serious threat of losing freedom forever.
Daniel De Prophet | 9798887935881 | POL032000 | book-has-featured-image