Valerie Fillmore has struggled with demonic attacks of fear, anxiety, depression, OCD, and intrusive thoughts. Valerie sought help within her Calvinist Baptist church, only to be led into further bond...
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Valerie Fillmore has struggled with demonic attacks of fear, anxiety, depression, OCD, and intrusive thoughts. Valerie sought help within her Calvinist Baptist church, only to be led into further bond...
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Valerie has fought against the tormenting thoughts in her mind, struggling to determine if the thoughts were hers or those of the enemy. She has learned how to stand on what the Word of God says about who she is. She has learned how to choose to believe God's word despite the powerful thoughts and emotions that were screaming lies to the contrary at her. Valerie has experienced the enemy attacking her about her salvation, causing her to at times doubt if she was even saved. She struggled to believe that God actually loved her and that she was His child. Valerie now knows that God wants her to share her struggles with the world. He wants to show them how we are already free in Christ Jesus and how to walk in that freedom that He has provided and desires for us all to walk in.
What I say to you in the dark (privately), tell in the light (publicly); and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops [to many people]. (Matthew 10:27 AMP)