But if we wait until that moment to find out where we are going and how to get there, then it is already too late. That means it isn't too early to learn about these things today.
But who can tell us about eternity? Who is better able to tell us about eternity than God, the one who created time and eternity?
And He has told us by
a secret call from above,
a clear perception of truth,
an eternity in the hearts of men, and
the clear statements of the Creator.
Alexandr I. Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) was a Russian writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature for his work, which shook the hearts of humanity. He had a very strong faith in God.
Much of his life was associated with death. His father died before Solzhenitsyn was born. While serving in World War II, Solzhenitsyn witnessed the death of most of his teammates. In 1944, one year before World War II ended, his mother died. When exiled by Stalin to the Gulags, he witnessed the deaths of most fellow prisoners. One day, when the press asked him if he was afraid of death, Solzhenitsyn shared that when he was growing up, he was often obsessed with death and feared that he might die before completing his dream of writing literature. But after the age of thirty, he began to realize that death is not the end of a life but is only a natural milestone that divides two worlds: the world in which we now live and the world we will go to. From then on, he felt his heart always at peace when he thought about death.
Death is only a natural milestone: "And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). Death is something no one can avoid, but death is not the end. The problem is that, after dying, where shall we go? And go by which way?
This book is intended to answer those questions, along with many other important questions that have tormented many people's minds as well as the author's minds for a long time.