2600 ST Katana

Todds Taiano


In 2600 Saint Katana, Matthew Toliver experiences love at first sight with the school's most enchanting young lady, an international transfer student from Portugal named Marquis Sabella. Although Marq...
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In 2600 Saint Katana, Matthew Toliver experiences love at first sight with the school's most enchanting young lady, an international transfer student from Portugal named Marquis Sabella. Although Marquis clarifies earlier on that her academics is her top priority, she immediately warms up to the quality of Matthew's character and befriends him. Aside from being captivated by the Portuguese heartthrob, Matthew is the fifth member of a clique known as the Wolfpack 2600, an exceptionally talented group of high school seniors whose friendship dates back to their early childhood.During the beginning of the school year, the Wolfpack 2600 enters one of the largest kart–racing competitions in the nation and triumphs, winning the trophy, the prize, and a year's worth of bragging rights. But as luck would have it, the victory is later negated by a technicality, leaving the Wolfpack with a bitter taste of disappointment. However, in the mid of dismay, Matthew cleverly uses his imagination and comes up with the idea of embarking on a joyride cruise, instantly sparking a pathway to redemption. Next, they set the idea in motion through the process of transforming their go–kart into a miniature vessel, then names it the Mark 2600. Later in time, when the finishing touches are done on the newly built craft, they launch their trip, targeting the resort island of Saint Katana, with intentions of indulging in some of its various features and activities.On the day of launching, they decide to capture all their adventurous experiences on videotape, then reserve the film footage for their forthcoming documentary. Shortly after the cruise is underway, the teenagers encounter a terrifying aquatic predator in hot pursuit, causing them to fearfully veer off course. Luckily, they evade the predator but wind up arriving on the northwest end of the Mexico shoreline. After that, the teenagers take a moment to regroup, and in doing so, they inadvertently discover a mysterious case containing an ancient book of diagrams that reveals manufacturing sequences of futuristic technological weaponry. This case is believed to be left behind centuries ago by supreme beings of another world.Coincidentally, Carlos Sepulveda, aka Mayacub, a notorious underworld criminal from the Baja California peninsula, aspires beyond ordinary when he robs a museum of a prestigious document that summarizes a description and possible whereabouts of a codex that illustrates a quantum leap in weapons manufacture. The stolen document also indicates that the codex is concealed inside of a case made of pure gold. Soon afterward, he conducts a search throughout the region to unearth the artifact. Inevitably, the Wolfpack 2600 becomes an imminent target by discovering the very object that Mayacub has been relentlessly seeking.Immediately after the Wolfpack's great discovery, they strive to keep it secret yet find themselves being hunted by Mayacub, who catches up with them and forcefully takes possession of the codex. After finally taking possession of the artifact, Mayacub's first objective is to develop futuristic technological weapons while growing his army in the process. Secondly, he intends to launch a series of attacks on small sovereign territories until he establishes himself as a modern–day monarch. Lastly, he aims to generate more wealth by conducting arms deals on the black market––the makings of a new era of world terrorism.Surprisingly, the Wolfpack's cameraman, Charles, has photographed each page of the codex sometime before it is taken by Mayacub's henchmen. So now, in an effort to stop Mayacub, the Wolfpack returns to their clubhouse, referred to as the Headquarters, and uses the photos of the codex's instructional designs to build a defense system for the Mark 2600, fortifying its exterior to safeguard from destructive impacts of a combat situation that's likely to happen. They also use the codex's instructions to develop and install new technology in its interior to counter the enemy's possible use of an EMP weapon. Afterward, they begin formulating strategies to stop Mayacub.Later, this reinforced vessel becomes a critical component in aiding the Wolfpack to recover the artifact, reverse a $30,000,000 heist, capture the most–wanted criminal for the Mexican authorities, and prevent a new era of terrorism––a joyride cruise that ultimately becomes an adventure and converts these dazzling teenagers into brave heroes.
Todds Taiano | 9798892219624 | YAF001000 | book-has-featured-image