
Conie Taylor


End! The Last Judgment Conie Taylor God began speaking to Conie Taylor in his jail cell at a federal prison in Sandstone, Minnesota. During these encounters, God revealed many mysteries of an impendin...
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The Last Judgment

Conie Taylor

God began speaking to Conie Taylor in his jail cell at a federal prison in Sandstone, Minnesota.

During these encounters, God revealed many mysteries of an impending end to be revealed to a dying world, "When the time has fully come."

Conie Taylor is not a minister, a pastor, nor an evangelist, at least, in the traditional sense. He is a carpenter who works at his trade to support a family, but what differentiates him from other men is that he had specific mandates brought to him in his jail cell by two angels.

Why Conie? No one really knows, but we know enough about God that it's the message and not the messenger. So for no other reason, we listen to Conie Taylor.

It took this Alabama carpenter many years before finally being able to document God's directives, and so Conie Taylor has finally written his amazing revelations.

This book, by no means, replaces the Holy Bible but enhances its statutes and disciplines. We encourage you to allow the Spirit of God to lead you through the reading of this book and that when the time of decision is made, you will have had all the essences of His Word to sustain you through the end!


Conie Taylor


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