Discerning Our Time

Richard Bettez


Discerning Our Time: A Layman’s Guide to End-Time Events in America is a compelling look at historic and political trends that push the reader to look upon biblical facts as to where America fits in...
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Discerning Our Time: A Layman’s Guide to End-Time Events in America is a compelling look at historic and political trends that push the reader to look upon biblical facts as to where America fits in concerning future events. This book is an easy read for people of all backgrounds and education levels. It is a breakdown of exactly what scripture means from original language to historical settings that all connect to American society as we know it today. Though this book gives greater enlightenment to the Christian community and is a solid resource for pastors to draw from, it will truly be an eye-opening experience for the open-minded unbelievers or those who do not consider Christianity of any consequence within their lives. The changes within American society and our culture as well as our political choices are highlighted within the word of God. In this book they are accurately brought out. Church denominations are put to the test as historical truths are revealed and many falsehoods about Christianity are dispelled. Truth about American education, business, and government are documented with the light of scripture shining right next to the facts so the reader can judge for themselves. Many teachers, pastors, and theologians don’t believe America plays a significant role in the end times. Some teach that it will be wiped off the map. No one truly knows exact dates or for that matter what the antichrist will look like, but there is a definite template laid out within the Bible; America fits comfortably in that template. This book is a must-read if you are interested in what direction America is heading and who will rise to power in the near future.
Richard Bettez | 9781635685107 | REL006140 | book-has-featured-image