Fulton Books Presents"The Saga of Diversion Lily"Featuring Domestic LilacThe Saga of Diversion Lily featuring Domestic Lilac is a psychological suspense–thriller that will take you to the edge ...
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Fulton Books Presents"The Saga of Diversion Lily"Featuring Domestic LilacThe Saga of Diversion Lily featuring Domestic Lilac is a psychological suspense–thriller that will take you to the edge ...
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Lilly was born to a beautiful teenager who was fresh off the migration path from rural St. Mary's County, Maryland, to Northeast Washington DC. Accompanied by her parents and eight siblings, the large family was no protection from the city's chaos and trappings. Lilly's mother met a handsome but immature young man, "living just enough for the city," addicted to heroin.
Today, Lilly enjoys writing, spending time with family, watching movies, and meeting new people. She has been married for a decade (that's a long time!). Lilly is a mother to a daughter who has blessed her with her one and only grandchild. She cherishes her sister and step–siblings from near and far. She is incredibly close to her maternal cousins whose mothers were also on that migration for a better life.
Known for telling a good story and making others laugh, Lilly always knew that she would craft her own story in book form, but the timing was never right.
One day, Lilly had an aha moment. She looked in the mirror and asked herself a question: why are you treated differently by others? She stared at herself so intensely and realized that it was the scar left behind from a traumatic injury, an emotional and physical scar, experienced at nineteen. Lilly owned that moment. She decided to reach out to others who had also experienced violations by the hands of another. She would tell a fictional story based on the actual events of that traumatic occurrence, giving birth to Domestic Lilac!
Please follow along on Instagram @diversion_lilly.