The story begins in another world, following our main character Zurry. Zurry's happy and accepting of others, including the princess of the planet, Maylean, who goes to school. There the two meet, and...
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The story begins in another world, following our main character Zurry. Zurry's happy and accepting of others, including the princess of the planet, Maylean, who goes to school. There the two meet, and...
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Enjoy my story filled with love, adventure, drama, martial arts, and a test of friendship over a whole new world that's different but the same. You may relate with many characters. There are jokes, serious situations, and even sad parts.
Some content might be too much for young readers. Apologies for the long and enduring fights, but reading is harder to understand than watching, as if you watched the fight on TV or in life. I put the moves in and described them as best I can. It's best to view the fight in your head after reading the scene to get the fights in real time, thus, making it an interesting and entertaining read.
Although the book explains a few things, the rest is up to you. You make the story better when viewed in your mind. These beings are of a different planet, so you are the one who can see this world through an entirely different perspective.
Enjoy reading the book and understand that the names may be weird, and they aren't human or correct, and I didn't know Zurry as a human name until later, I admit; but other than that, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.