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An orphan girl's extraordinary journey of faith, hope, and courage!Follow in Salma's footsteps from beginning her life in 1944, arriving as an orphan at Amy Carmichael's Dohnavur Fellowship South India, her daily school life as a student, including many lively adventures and travails. She was given little hope of becoming educated, but still persevered, even later becoming a teacher at the fellowship, and then going to seminary, where she received her calling to do the work of an evangelist and fulfill her ministry (2 Timothy 4:5).For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.--1 Peter 4:18She went on to teach in the Himalayas, where she received a great prophecy to go abroad and study at missionary school and become a missionary. However, a great obstacle stood in her way: she needed to obtain a passport, but as an orphan, the path forward was difficult, but she overcame it by faith. Her visa was then obtained by divine intervention! Her faith, hope, and courage in the Lord Jesus Christ helped her to clear all obstacles that stood in her way in this voyage. Victory belongs to the Lord!Christ is in me, the hope of glory.--Colossians 1:27Her story then took her to America, where she met her husband. This story will be unfolded in the next book, yet to come...
Salma Carunia Carter | 9798893453447 | BIO002030 | book-has-featured-image