What Is Your Issue?

Shaun Andrews


What Is Your Issue? is a book filled with the Word of God. There is power in His Word to help us deal with our issues and meet them head-on. This book is designed to be a source of inspiration throu...
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What Is Your Issue? is a book filled with the Word of God. There is power in His Word to help us deal with our issues and meet them head-on. This book is designed to be a source of inspiration through the author’s testimony. It will strengthen and stretch our faith and remind us that God can do anything. The biblical figures mentioned in this book’s stories are examples to us of the power of God.

The disciples were on a boat, and they thought they were going to drown, but Jesus saved them. Their issue was a lack of faith. There was also a woman with an issue of blood, and Jesus healed her from that issue. There was a man named Jairus who had a daughter that died, and Jesus brought her back to life. There was also a demon-filled man whom Jesus saved, delivered, and set free from his issues. Additionally, we see that Hannah’s issue was healed when she sowed her son back to the Lord. Her act of faith put her in a position to receive more children from the Lord.

This book will help us pinpoint our issues and show that Jesus is ready, willing, and able to heal our issues. Although if our healing doesn’t manifest here on earth, remember there is no sickness or death in heaven. We may have to cope with an issue here on this side of life. Paul in the Bible had a thorn in his flesh. But the point of What Is Your Issue? is for the reader to see God and His power in a deeper way, knowing He can do anything but fail. What is your issue?

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