Meet the Notes is a delightful story for young children that helps introduce them to the wonderful world of music. Children will learn the notes' names, both English and Spanish, and help them remembe...
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Meet the Notes is a delightful story for young children that helps introduce them to the wonderful world of music. Children will learn the notes' names, both English and Spanish, and help them remembe...
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Conozca Las Notas es un cuento divertido para introducir a los pequeños en el maravilloso mundo de la música. Los niños van a aprender los nombres de las notas, ambos en inglés y en español, y la historia les ayudará a recordar sus posiciones escritas en el pentagrama musical. Las notas tienen personalidades y gustos distintos, y eso permite que los niños las vayan conociendo como harían con cualquier otro niño: individualmente diferentes, pero más fuertes cuando están todas juntas. Ya sea en grupo, como en orquestas sinfónicas, o bandas de rock, o individualmente, la música no sólo es una gran aptitud de aprendizaje sino un gran modo de desarrollar la creatividad humana.
Review for Meet the Notes:
Maria Hoz has gifted music educators with Meet the Notes (Conozca Las notas), a delightful picture book meant to introduce music reading to very young, beginning music students. Presenting details of music notation and letter names in the guise of personable children is a stroke of genius, which the author attributes to her childhood teacher at three years old, Ms. Portillo. The staff and its notes taught in this way will charm the attention and memory of kids as they first encounter the somewhat incomprehensible system we employ to capture sounds on paper. The book is aimed at the age when the alphabet has been memorized but when text reading is still new. The illustrations accompanying the various details are colorful and informative to the eye, and young ears can hear a text given in either English or Spanish. 26 pages, 13 of which are pictures and 13 are bi-lingual text.
Dr. Robert Radmer, DMA