The Vacuum Dance

Kaelen Delcastillo


To design a visionary drug in a laboratory or to accept sacred plants? To be part of an ancient ceremony or free will with no set format? These were essential questions for the vacuum dancer. This med...
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To design a visionary drug in a laboratory or to accept sacred plants? To be part of an ancient ceremony or free will with no set format? These were essential questions for the vacuum dancer. This medicine dance was bigger than all the pharmacies and more personal than most priests. The vacuum dancer knew these words were needed by his people. The kind of people that could have slipped below alcohol's mirage into extraction. Every day, the dancer saw the mystery that was the earth and the stars, the rain and the sun and the great forces that blessed the dancer's rhythm. The vacuum dancer's heart beat the anthem to his life. This may seem like just another day of vacuum janitoring, but this was so much more. The power to be wanting to cash in big or corrupt is the purpose entirely. Who owns or claims this healing as theirs? The plant is easier to trust than synthesized crystals. Vacuum dancing in the space and time continuum was so natural. This education is the fruit of tree of knowledge in the imaginations of the garden of Eden. The vacuum dancer can point to the gate, but we all must go alone. To inner spaces of the sacred spiral. These triangles are as old as life itself, growing from the light. This religion comes to you and becomes part of you.
Kaelen Delcastillo | 9798893082067 | OCC036030 | book-has-featured-image