Diving with Angels

Lindsi Canevari


I have been a professional diver for over thirty years. This book is about some of the events that took place with me as a scuba instructor and a commercial diver. I took my scuba certification course...
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I have been a professional diver for over thirty years. This book is about some of the events that took place with me as a scuba instructor and a commercial diver. I took my scuba certification course when I was seventeen years old. I loved it so much that I sold my motorcycle and bought all my equipment before I had my certification license. I have been diving around many different parts of the world for many years. In 1980, I had the opportunity to open a retail dive shop and training center. I have taught many thousands of people how to scuba dive. I am a current instructor for Salt Lake Community College. I was also involved with many different commercial jobs. Many of the jobs were near-death experiences. I have recorded those in this book. I do believe in God. For some reason, my life has been spared from my commercial diving jobs. I don’t know why, just maybe because I needed to help my beautiful wife Brenda raise five children who have given us twelve grandchildren. I believe God has a plan for everyone. Some go on to the next life earlier than others. No one knows why. Because of my life being spared, I do believe that there were angels watching over me. I call them diving angels. They were also involved in helping me with some of the mistakes I have made in my life. I love to scuba dive. I love to see the excited faces of my students after their last certification dive. The stories they tell of all the beautiful dive sites and the fun they had diving cannot be forgotten. I still teach scuba lessons and still love to dive for my personal recreation. It is a fantastic sport.
Lindsi Canevari | 9781640277472 | BIO023000 | book-has-featured-image