A Sinner’s Legacy


Were you aware of the fact that you are creating a legacy? Each and every one of us, whether we realize it or not, whether we agree with it or not, even whether we like it or not, does have a very pow...
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Were you aware of the fact that you are creating a legacy? Each and every one of us, whether we realize it or not, whether we agree with it or not, even whether we like it or not, does have a very powerful, unmistakable influence on those around us. This even includes those we may not know personally or that we may not understand we are influencing. Someone is always watching us and we are helping to shape their lives for good or for evil.But now think about this: Did you realize that you are exerting your influence as a sinner? That's right; even Christians are people who do sin, at least occasionally. The Apostle Paul told us in Romans 3:23 that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." There is not one of us, Christian or not, who is free from sin. The good news is that we don't have to remain in sin or continue to live a sinful lifestyle. In short, we can all be people who decide to make an impact on this world for God and for good instead of for Satan and unrighteousness. That choice faces each of us.What should be seen as equally good news is the fact that God's forgiveness, for those who come to Him His way, is impartial and complete. Our background, ethnicity, or former lifestyle are immaterial; God is ready and willing to extend His forgiveness to us. And the rewards that come to those who are forgiven go far beyond anything we can possibly imagine. In this book, we will together explore these topics and hopefully come to realize that our legacy, the impact we have on other people, can endure even after we have left this physical world. I hope that you, like me, find this to be an exciting time of discovery from God's word. May He richly bless each person who seeks to influence those around them in a godly manner!
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