Born for Restoration


Born for Restoration is about my life. "Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you, and beforeyou came out of the womb I set you apart" (Jeremiah 1:5, ISR).Psalm 23 is a song sung about a life star...
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Born for Restoration is about my life. "Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you, and beforeyou came out of the womb I set you apart" (Jeremiah 1:5, ISR).Psalm 23 is a song sung about a life starting and experiencing the tests of discovering ourpurpose and who is with us as we go through the birth canal until eternity.1. I am convinced that even before I was in my mother's womb the Lord was my Shepherd;with Him I never experienced lack.2. He instructed me in the comfort of the womb to lie down in green pastures as He spoke tome throughout my journey. I was guided beside still waters parting the way into this world. Theriver of life spoke through the Lord as a Spirit of comfort and calm embraced me.3. Leaving the comfort of mercy (Heb: Rachem=womb) when I entered the world and madewrong choices the Lord turns back my being; He leads me on the cycles of righteousness. Thiswas the beginning of my restoration birth. I was told this journey is not just about you, but youare a voice telling people who I am. I learned His name, and this was one of the most importantaspects of this message.4. As I ran my race then walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I did not fearbecause He told me I did not give you a spirit of fear. I gave you a spirit of love and powerthrough my Spirit and a steadfast mind toward Me. I Am with you. The Lord disciplined mewhen I needed it, and that was a comfort because He was all about preserving my life as anygood Father desires.5. I recognized the tables as the tablets He set before me in the presence of my enemies. Thesecommandments were needed, so I looked at them and not the faces of my enemies. As timecontinues, this journey with the Lord of Restoration sets me apart by anointing my mind andmy life overflowing with a desire to listen and obey His Word and influence others to considerthis journey of restoration.6. As a result of repentance, only goodness and loving commitment follows me. And now Iknow my journey is to dwell in the house of the Lord to the length of days!
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