In the early morning hours at a remote New England airport, a string of seemingly unrelated and puzzling incidents unfolds. Hugh Clayton, a happy-go-lucky local, stuns passersby as he runs franticall... Read More
In the early morning hours at a remote New England airport, a string of seemingly unrelated and puzzling incidents unfolds. Hugh Clayton, a happy-go-lucky local, stuns passersby as he runs frantically and blindly through airport traffic lanes and is fatally struck by an unseen, oncoming vehicle. Meanwhile, a young girl in protective custody breaks free from her flight deputy and runs from the terminal, scampering away to freedom. Elsewhere, a cell phone containing damning evidence against a neighborhood crime boss is stolen at the airport from a key witness ready to spill the beans and reveal a bunch of dirty little secrets. Such are the circumstances facing Beau Clayton, brother of the traffic victim, and Grace Bohannon, Hugh's fiancé. The two are thrown together by fate and circumstance at the airport terminal and become trapped in a dark and ruthless underworld of violence, human trafficking, and thievery. Nothing could have prepared them for the dangers that now lurk seemingly behind every corner, but the two are committed to saving innocent lives and putting the guilty offenders behind bars, even if it means taking justice into their own hands.
Jeff Turner | 9781646285679 | FIC022000 | book-has-featured-image