The Call

Sylvia Curmon Wilder


The Call – 31 Day DevotionalWe are living in very perilous times today. Companies opened for business one day are closed and out of business the next day. As such, many of us need a boost or a ...
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The Call – 31 Day DevotionalWe are living in very perilous times today. Companies opened for business one day are closed and out of business the next day. As such, many of us need a boost or a word of encouragement to keep going. That’s exactly what The Call-31 Day devotional has been created to do. This book is designed to inspire, fuel, and promote your work journey. The Call-31 Day Devotional is full of motivational insights, testimonials, and biblical truths all designed to help you not only obtain your best job yet but inspire you to live your best life yet!Contained in this book are lessons on:Protection in Dangerous TimesPursue Qualified MentorsThe Believer’s AuthorityTither’s RightsAnd so much more!No matter what your situation is, God is greater! In Joshua 1:5 (New Living Translation) God says, “No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.” Jesus is always with us and He will never, ever leave us or forsake us. Read and discover the peculiar treasures our God has reserved just for you. Your victory is already here, take it!
Sylvia Curmon Wilder | 9781098094188 | REL012030 | book-has-featured-image