

This book is the revelation of the creation of God in me. It's the truth of who I am. This book is about the things I saw as important before knowing my God-given destiny. Predestined One illustrates ...
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This book is the revelation of the creation of God in me. It's the truth of who I am. This book is about the things I saw as important before knowing my God-given destiny. Predestined One illustrates the power to remove opposing forces against the believer. There is power in learning, whereas there is no power in thinking there is nothing one has not been taught. We are all unique and individually made up by God the creator. And this book exemplifies the spiritual overcoming power of who God created me to be. We all have our individual gifts that God has placed in us as he wills, and with prayer, along with a search within yourself, your gift will be revealed to you. And with that revelation you can begin to act in your gift as a part of the making up of the body of Christ as a whole, as we all play a part. Allow Predestined One, Right Is Not Wrong and Wrong Is Not Right to put you on the path to your destiny in Christ, as well as make right decisions according to truth. It will change your walk in life, and it will place you on the path of victorious living.Roman's 8:29 (AMP) 29 For those whom He foreknew [and loved and chose beforehand], He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son [and ultimately share in His complete sanctification], so that He would be the firstborn [the most beloved and honored] among many believers. 
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