3 Little Words from My Daddy

Tammy Arenas Avalos


How many little girls love to spend time with their daddies? How many little girls have a favorite nickname that their daddies call them? I know all little girls love to hear three little words from t...
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How many little girls love to spend time with their daddies? How many little girls have a favorite nickname that their daddies call them? I know all little girls love to hear three little words from their daddy. Cecilia's three favorite words may be different from the three little words you are used to hearing. Cecilia's daddy would say those three little words to her when he was happy and proud of her. But sometime those three little words were used to make Cecilia feel bad or ashamed of something she did wrong. No matter the situation, her daddy always said, "I know, Mija," to Cecilia.

I hope children of all ages will enjoy this book with their parents and read it over and over with each other.

Tammy Arenas Avalos | 9781098099626 | JUV013000 | JUV000000 | book-has-featured-image