3rd-Heaven Manuscripts

A Patient Dude


Is it possible to beat around the bush and still give the exact answer to a question? Is it possible to give an answer that's satisfying to all ends (and spaces) of a spectrum, no matter how controver...
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Is it possible to beat around the bush and still give the exact answer to a question? Is it possible to give an answer that's satisfying to all ends (and spaces) of a spectrum, no matter how controversial and contrary the ends are? This book accomplishes all that. How is this even possible? Because truths are clusters, and this book explores a major cluster that connects all people and their perspective. (What's sin, God's voice, and Genesis mysteries?) This book ties the knot comfortably and all together.

The Holy Spirit (with third-heaven revelation) is the one who reveals whole entire clusters of redemption and universal hope. Truth is a one-way transparent interrogation window. On the Holy Spirit's side, there's light and transparency, and you're not the one being interrogated.

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