40 Days of Praise from Prison

Nathan Storm


What would you do if you were sentenced to 270 months in a federal prison? Would you give up hope? What about your family? How do you think they feel? Do they miss you as much as you miss them? These ...
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What would you do if you were sentenced to 270 months in a federal prison? Would you give up hope? What about your family? How do you think they feel? Do they miss you as much as you miss them? These are some of the realities that go through my mind on a daily basis. I regret most of the choices that I have made in my adult life. I wonder what my life would have been like if I had never taken that first drink or first drug. Then I wonder why I should get up every morning at five to pray to God to help me, to give me strength and patience, and to be kind to others. Why? Because of faith. I believe that God has a purpose for me no matter what my situation is. I am saved by his grace. There are more than one million men and women who struggle like me. We are not lost causes. We have hopes, dreams, and families just like everyone else. Most of us just want another chance. There are many great people in the Bible who made mistakes or committed sins, and God still used them for his greater plan. If the Creator of the world can forgive, then why can't we? He made us all, and we are not mistakes. I wrote these prayers in a dark time in America. I did it to give hope and inspiration to other men and women in similar situations. I give all the honor and glory to God.
Nathan Storm | 9781639034918 | REL012080 | REL087000 | book-has-featured-image