A Frog Hollow Childhood

Lynn Davis


Once upon a simpler time, a child's fun included an intense interaction within its environment, whether on a bus to a beach, swimming lessons in a city pool, or working tobacco fields. Interaction was...
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Once upon a simpler time, a child's fun included an intense interaction within its environment, whether on a bus to a beach, swimming lessons in a city pool, or working tobacco fields. Interaction was also between machinery and the processes that made things function such as an icebox, iron furnace, clothesline, or oil jug. She writes of a time before technology took over and computers did all the work. The author recreates with her narrative and photographs a nostalgic reminiscence of those earlier decades for all who grew up in them and introduces the times to those who didn't. She recalls the years when life and living was hands on, when youngsters played and worked hard being part of life's assembly line. Today's children can switch on or plug in to make things function, but the fun is gone and with it, the knowledge of how things work.Lynn lived the first forty-six years of her life in the Frog Hollow section of Hartford, Connecticut. It was growing up in the Frog Hollow during the 1940s and 1950s that is the inspiration for her memoir of childhood during those years.
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