A Perennial Garden Of Love

Josephine Ball


I am inspired by incredible, wonderful people and the delicacy of nature, which causes massive scribbled notes to be written by me (even on small pieces of paper on my bed). I hope the day never comes...
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I am inspired by incredible, wonderful people and the delicacy of nature, which causes massive scribbled notes to be written by me (even on small pieces of paper on my bed). I hope the day never comes that I take for granted this deep connection that assists with growth. I sincerely hope the enclosed material will somehow help with your growth in your travel to wholeness, or assist you in how you choose to experience that road.

You will find powerful tips throughout to help insight and healing. There're also brief facts, thoughts, information, and techniques to help transform life at its core with tidbits of wisdom, insight, humor, and compassion.

I truly hope none will startle, disappoint, or be misunderstood. The weaving together of this work contains some of what is called life, which gives us the edge not only to survive but to thrive, to deal with whatever comes through the door. Enjoy the journey, and experience the power. It comes straight from the heart, directed by the Spirit to those who challenged me to put my scribbles in a book. Here it is.

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