An Argument for the Incarnation

Larry Lacy


This book presents an argument for the thesis that Jesus is the incarnation of the divine Son of God. This argument is based on the philosophical arguments (1)that God would become incarnate in order ...
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This book presents an argument for the thesis that Jesus is the incarnation of the divine Son of God. This argument is based on the philosophical arguments (1)that God would become incarnate in order to make it possible for human persons to become sons of God, (2) that God would confirm that the divine Son of God had become incarnate in a specific individual human person, (3) that God would confirm this by an appropriate manifest miracle, (4) that the human person in whom the divine Son of God has become incarnate would claim to be the divine Son of God, (5) that the teaching and character of this human person would be consistent with what it would be reasonable to believe the teaching and character of God incarnate would be and the justified historical claims that (6) Jesus claimed to be the Son of God incarnate, (7) that his teaching and character were appropriate to God incarnate, and (8) that God raised Jesus from death, and thereby confirmed (9) that Jesus was the divine Son of God incarnate.
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