And May God Bless

Ruth Ann Comer


Read about sixty-nine years of miracle after miracle. How I survived numerous unimaginable traumas, illnesses, surgeries, mental illness, and suicide attempts. The book begins at age twenty-one, just ...
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Read about sixty-nine years of miracle after miracle. How I survived numerous unimaginable traumas, illnesses, surgeries, mental illness, and suicide attempts. The book begins at age twenty-one, just married, suffered kidney failure, having emergency surgery afterward being pronounced dead, ending up in heaven. My return from heaven finds I am now terminally ill with only a year to live if I do not get pregnant. But God! Also how I, as a little girl, hunted for the God of the “and may God bless” and finding him. See how depending on God brings me to sanity, even supernatural physical healing throughout all my troubles, suffering, responsibilities, and laced with spiritual warfare.
Ruth Ann Comer | 9781644686638 | BIO026000 | book-has-featured-image