The Bible says freedom is the birthright of every child of God who has been born-again into His Kingdom. Therefore, whether you are here for sin, addiction, loss, brokenness, burnout, needing a fresh ...
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The Bible says freedom is the birthright of every child of God who has been born-again into His Kingdom. Therefore, whether you are here for sin, addiction, loss, brokenness, burnout, needing a fresh ...
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ASAP Recovery: Building on the Right Foundation addresses this disconnect between promise and experience, by firmly reestablishing three foundational truths that the church has always believed but forgotten somewhere along the way:
All of the Bible is Inspired [or written] by God (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
All of the Bible is Inerrant [or without errors] (Psalm 18:30)
All of the Bible is Infallible [or incapable of failing to deliver on any of the things it says it will] (Isaiah 55:11)
The reason these three foundational truth claims should matter to those in the church, and especially to those of us in the recovery community, is:
If you don't believe the first claim that God wrote the Book, then you will never believe the second claim that it is without errors. And if you never believe this second claim, then you will never trust in, nor experience for yourself, the victory that the Word of God offers you over any and all addictions and willful sin in its third claim to be infallible!
By the end of this book, you will know beyond a reasonable doubt that the Bible is the very words of God Himself and, therefore, above reproach, thus establishing it as the only foundation to build our life and recovery on. Furthermore, you will also find that no matter who you are, where you've been, what you've done, or how far gone you may be, this book was written to take both the addicted and defeated Christian, alike, down the same path of Scripture until they arrive at their destination and heart's desire - freedom!
Having lost everything, Chuck Chapman came to know Christ while in jail in 2007. Today, he is the founder and director of ASAP Recovery Inc, a faith-based recovery program for those seeking cure over maintenance for any addiction or life-controlling issue. He is also the Pastor of Recovery Community Church in Covington, KY. Chuck has a major burden for biblical truth as well as the lost, especially those who are bound by addiction. He is a graduate of Teen Challenge International of Southwest Florida, having overcome his own demons of addiction. After rehab, Chuck went on to acquire a Bachelor's Degree in Bible and Theology from God's Bible School & College in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is also an ordained pastor in the Church of the Nazarene.
Chuck is the author of ASAP Recovery: Tearing Out the Old Foundation and It Is Written: A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare. He has now been sober and working with people in recovery and the church for over sixteen years. His partner in ministry is his supportive wife, Lisa. They are currently in the process of writing the third book in the ASAP Recovery series.