Autobiography of My Life

Josephine Pierce O.P.


Josephine Pierce is a bold, remarkable, and inspirational woman who found divine success through trials and tribulations. Her fascinating true story illustrates love with joys and sorrows. The desire ...
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Josephine Pierce is a bold, remarkable, and inspirational woman who found divine success through trials and tribulations. Her fascinating true story illustrates love with joys and sorrows. The desire to become a registered nurse was not achieved by her. Disappointments continued after a childhood of love and light. Subsequently, darkness became evident during two marriages and her schooling. Depression, anxiety, and inability to cope plus major life changes lead to a nervous breakdown. Convalescence from these catalysts took many years. Her religious experiences convey graces received as a chosen one. Happiness came from clinging to the will of God with utmost devotion. Light continued thereafter by living a prayerful, humble, and simple life with trust in God.
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