Be Still

Shalise Jacobsen


My story includes the history of my marriage to a man who struggles with homosexuality, along with the challenges of raising two special needs foster children and my own young son. It speaks of the ve...
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My story includes the history of my marriage to a man who struggles with homosexuality, along with the challenges of raising two special needs foster children and my own young son. It speaks of the very real pain and very real blessings that came as I persevered through a nine-year marriage and the years of single parenting that followed.

I have no doubt that God is's the stillness that I struggle with. Why is it so hard to be still? Sometimes, it is easy to forget that whatever is happening in our lives is part of God's plan. We are often sent down paths that we might not choose for ourselves. I am slowly learning to willingly go down whatever path heavenly Father chooses for me. I know that heavenly Father has our happiness in mind at all times. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

My hope in making this story public is that others may come to understand the challenges that many families face when homosexuality touches their lives. It is a very real, heartbreaking, soul-defining struggle. It is also my hope that those who are dealing with any challenge, whatever it may be, will come to know that our Father and His perfect, selfless Son will lift, strengthen, and carry us through every trial. Because of our Savior, we can find stillness during our darkest hours.

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