Brent and Edward Go to Mars

Richard Jeffery Wagner


This novel is a sequel to The Zombie Philosopher. Edward and his valet, Brent, take a space liner tour on the SS Brizo from the Lunar Gateway to New Troy at Earth-Sun L4, on to Mars, and back to Earth...
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This novel is a sequel to The Zombie Philosopher. Edward and his valet, Brent, take a space liner tour on the SS Brizo from the Lunar Gateway to New Troy at Earth-Sun L4, on to Mars, and back to Earth. Brent's less-than-masterfully-coordinated enemies take a new tack in their efforts to destroy him but are foiled once again. Edward's new friend Cindy investigates an archaeological find of artifacts on Mars and interrupts a plot to perpetrate fraud on unsuspecting buyers. Their experiences include a tour of a space shipyard, wine tasting, zero-gee flying and swimming, an observatory on Olympus Mons, and a tour of a Martian museum. Brent enters into philosophical debates and lectures and proves the question of free will beyond doubt. The three friends have many novel experiences in their nine-month space tour and share in both setbacks and triumphs.
Richard Jeffery Wagner | 9798887939667 | FIC028020 | book-has-featured-image