Buckeye Boys

Sam Bailey


Buckeye Boys is about the 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment and its participation in multiple battles in the Civil War from October 1862 to April 9, 1865, when the army of Northern Virginia surre...
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Buckeye Boys is about the 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment and its participation in multiple battles in the Civil War from October 1862 to April 9, 1865, when the army of Northern Virginia surrendered. Much detail is derived from a two-volume work by the 110th commander Joseph Warren Keifer entitled Slavery and Four Years of War and the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Much of John Wesley Warrington's experiences are attributed to family lore. At age sixteen, when he enlisted, he was the youngest Buckeye in the 110th regiment. Of equal interest are the amazing careers that many Buckeyes experienced as civilians after the war, particularly considering the wounds they had suffered.

Sam Bailey | 9781098087845 | book-has-featured-image