Buff is Overstuffed

Carrie Paine Illustrated by Monica Fohn


Come and meet Buff, a very large bear cub that is four years old but eight years big. Buff is a very kind bear, and he is filled with love and kindness. Some say he is overstuffed. Buff goes to school...
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Come and meet Buff, a very large bear cub that is four years old but eight years big. Buff is a very kind bear, and he is filled with love and kindness. Some say he is overstuffed. Buff goes to school for the first time and is very excited about meeting new friends. Some of the new friends he comes across are Penelope Possum, Terrence the Turtle, Timothy Toad, and many more. Buff must have looked very strange to the other creatures and maybe even a little bit scary. Buff is told by his mother things will be okay, but how, when, and who? Buff and the other friends learn one of the most important lesson in life, and that is the golden rule.

Look for more stories about Buff and his friends!

Carrie Paine Illustrated by Monica Fohn | 9798892210805 | JUV039060 | book-has-featured-image