Building a Biblical Foundation with Pete the Panda and Friends

Shawn Hawk


Building a strong foundation is essential because it supports the walls and the roof of the house that is being built. It also prevents the forces of nature from tearing the house apart.It is vital th...
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Building a strong foundation is essential because it supports the walls and the roof of the house that is being built. It also prevents the forces of nature from tearing the house apart.It is vital that children have a strong biblical understanding of foundational principles from God's Word, which allows them to grow in a right relationship in truth with God and others. Their foundational understanding will give them an awareness of and keep them from the lies and deception of the enemy.In this book, Pete the Panda and his friends will guide you through these foundational truths, empowering you with the tools and materials to lay a firm foundation in Christ Jesus. The adventure begins as you open the book and turn the pages.
Shawn Hawk | 9781685176945 | JUV013000 | book-has-featured-image