This story tells of actual instances involving Grandpa Henning and (in particular) his grandson Billy, when he was just six years old. One day, the normal conversation occurring during playtime with B...
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This story tells of actual instances involving Grandpa Henning and (in particular) his grandson Billy, when he was just six years old. One day, the normal conversation occurring during playtime with B...
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Perhaps the Lord is now calling you in a similar manner or will be in the future or even perhaps has called you in the past to provide guidance to a family member or a friend and you did not allow yourself to proceed. Perhaps the story revealed in this book is exactly what you need in your life now to either accept the truth about Christ, our Savior, yourself or be a part of the effort to help another come to know the plan God has for their life. Step forward and know the peace and joy that are yours to behold!