Butterflies, Bubbles, and Bird Nests

Cynthia Holloway


I believe that God dances around us every day and in all circumstances, even the painful ones. He speaks to His followers in a variety of ways and can be found even in the most ordinary of life. God l...
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I believe that God dances around us every day and in all circumstances, even the painful ones. He speaks to His followers in a variety of ways and can be found even in the most ordinary of life. God longs to keep us encouraged and uplifted and often shows His lovingkindness in all sorts of ways, but we have to be looking for Him. We can pretty much see God everywhere if we just really open our eyes. He shows up sometimes in unexpected ways and loves to marvel and surprise us.Butterflies, Bubbles, and Bird Nests is a devotion I wrote on a particularly busy day in my life. The devotion eventually became the title of this book. This book is a result of my journaling of the lovingkindness God has shown me over the years. His lovingkindness is available to all. I hope you will choose to see Him in all things as you read and ponder these seventy-seven devotions. May they encourage your heart and enable you to get to know God more intimately. There is a scripture and prayer at the end of each devotion for further reflection. May you be filled to overflowing as God speaks to your heart.
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