I, Joy, a writer of Jesus Christ by the will of God, do write unto you through the pages of Call to War because of my faith in our Lord, along with my hope and vision for you to replenish the soil of ... Read More
I, Joy, a writer of Jesus Christ by the will of God, do write unto you through the pages of Call to War because of my faith in our Lord, along with my hope and vision for you to replenish the soil of your heart with seeds of prayer. Our King (Jesus) is looking for a harvest. Remember the fig tree in Matthew 21 and Mark 11? No more fruit ever grew from it again. It was cursed, and it died the following day! We must stay diligent to remain in the vine! Jesus says that "He's the true vine" in John 15, and if we remain in Him and He in us, we will bear much fruit. However, apart from Jesus, we can do nothing. The heart of the Call to War is prayer and the art of using prayer to conform to the Son of God (Romans 8:29-30). How you receive this seed will make all the difference in your life, as our brother Hosea (Hosea 10:12) told us to "break up of fallow ground" to make our soil ready to receive the seed of the Word! I pray that you break up the soil of your heart before digesting this material. May the Lord and Father of all heaven and earth bless you mightily.Love your sister,Joy
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