Chosen by God by Choosing Jesus Revisited


Have you ever wondered why the world seems to be moving further away from the Gospel every year? It is not because the Word of God has failed. It is not because it was meant to be. It is not because G...
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Have you ever wondered why the world seems to be moving further away from the Gospel every year? It is not because the Word of God has failed. It is not because it was meant to be. It is not because God arranged it as such. It is because we the messengers have failed. We the church is the one who is standing in the way of completing God's joy of the massive, worldwide revival, where all the inhabitants of the world joyfully confess that Jesus is the Lord and the Savior of all people. We the church must get back to the core message of the Gospel that has been slowly lost since the first hundred years of the explosive growth since the Day of the Pentecost. The Gospel message of and for "everyone" must be regained and energized among all churches. The core truth of the Gospel that God loves all his children, both the lost and the found, and is calling everyone to receive the promised Holy Spirit through faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, must be restored to regain the lost momentum since the inception of the church two thousand years ago. Every form of humanistic determinism and segregating theology must be stripped away from the Gospel of our Redeemer. We will explore various passages of the Bible that "enlightened" wise men of the past and the present have veiled the absolute loving power and hopeful faith of our Heavenly Father. We will discover that every passage of the Holy Scriptures points clearly to the "hope of his calling" for all and to the "golden chain of blessing to all," simply because God is love and God is mighty. We will explore Paul's masterful delineation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Epistle to Galatians. Paul will teach us that faith is knowing the grace of Jesus Christ, for faith is simply knowing that we are loved by our Savior. And finally, we will take an intimate stroll with our Creator, our Sustainer, and our Savior, Jesus, as we meditate the Gospel according to Apostle Matthew. I pray that the respected readers and I can together come to know our savior in a deeply personal way. I invite every potential believer to get ready to fall in love with Christ for the very first time, for his first love is the last love you will ever need. I also invite every believer to brace him- or herself to fall in love with Christ all over again. I invite everyone to meet the man I myself just cannot help but fall in love with over and over again. I pray that all the churches of the world may come together and collectively live the life predestined by our Heavenly Father. I pray that we may live the blessed and joyful life of living our identity to the fullest and complete the joy of our Heavenly Father.
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