Christianity 101

Darryl L. Gay


Many of the foundational truths of Christianity have been lost or distorted by those who have erroneously taken the Holy Scriptures out of context to often make them say something different from their...
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Many of the foundational truths of Christianity have been lost or distorted by those who have erroneously taken the Holy Scriptures out of context to often make them say something different from their original intent. As a result, the church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has split and splintered in every possible direction, and many are confused by what is currently presented to them as Christianity. The major purpose of this book is to bring clarity to many of the lost or misunderstood teachings that were clearly understood by the first-century church. The Holy Spirit gave the revelation to the first-century apostles, and He has again raised up apostles in the twenty-first-century to bring restoration and renewal to the church that Jesus Christ died for. Let's rediscover these basic but powerful truths together.
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