Collage of Korean Dance

Aedeok Lee Cho


This is a photo book of Korean dance. This is made by the immigrants who came to the United States to inherit and spread Korean culture and to share Korean culture with the multicultural American soci...
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SKU: 9781639855773 Category: Tags: , ,

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This is a photo book of Korean dance. This is made by the immigrants who came to the United States to inherit and spread Korean culture and to share Korean culture with the multicultural American society. All photos in this book are from the Chicago Korean Dance Company's performances, focusing on the first ten years (2009–2024), six grand performances that were held every two years. Pictures of other performances and international performances are included in CKDC history pages.

이 책은 미국으로 온 이민자들이 한국의 문화를 계승하고 전파하며, 나아가서는 다문화인 미국문화에 한국문화가 함께 하고자하는 노력을 담은 무용 사진 책이다. 이 책의 모든 사진은 10년간 (2009–2019) 의 시카고 한국무용단의 공연사진으 로 이루어져 있으며, 2년마다 개최하는 6번의 대공연을 중심으로 하였으며 해외 초청공연 및 기타 공연활동 사진은 CKDC History에 담았다.

Aedeok Lee Cho | 9781639855773 | PER000000 | book-has-featured-image