Conversing with Children in Today’s America

Liz A. Storm


Beloved America,I have loved you with an everlasting love. I will sing over you with poems and songs. I will reveal my love to you through mercy and justice. It is within your heart that my light can ...
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Beloved America,I have loved you with an everlasting love. I will sing over you with poems and songs. I will reveal my love to you through mercy and justice. It is within your heart that my light can grow if you would only allow it. It is my light that will lead you to the Truth, for it is knowing the Truth that will set you free. Therefore, open your eyes and incline your ear to me, and if you do, I will do wonders in your midst.With love,God1
Liz A. Storm | 9781098066390 | JUV033100 | book-has-featured-image