Dear Baby Girl, Let The Adventures Begin

Jeanna Rangel


As we grow into adulthood and start a family, watching our little ones grow, reach milestones, and small achievements that we take for granted every day is heartwarming. As you well know, being a pare...
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As we grow into adulthood and start a family, watching our little ones grow, reach milestones, and small achievements that we take for granted every day is heartwarming. As you well know, being a parent is the most rewarding job you will ever have, but it is also the most challenging job as well. When you see them smile for the first time, laugh, roll over, crawl, take their first steps, etc., these are huge achievements for them. Do you remember the hilarious things they say and do as they are discovering their own character and personalities? Did you ever think I'll never forget that? I bet you forgot. I knew I would forget those little things, so I wrote everything down. I carried a little pocket calendar and notebook with me everywhere. I would write down things that they said and did, and then I would write them a letter once a month. I have written a letter since before they were even born every month for over seventeen years. I told them about the good, bad, and the ugly. The struggles they endured, the challenges they faced and gave me. The mistakes that we both made along the way and how we handled them together. I am not the perfect parent by any means, but I sure tried my hardest to be the best mother I could be to my girls. I love them both with all my heart. We are incredibly close. We are the Three Musketeers.
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