Dear Lord, What Should I Be When I Grow Up?

Nikki Vaughn


As a child, how many times did someone ask you: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Sounds like a simple question, but all too often, it is a hard question to answer. We think we know what we w...
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As a child, how many times did someone ask you: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Sounds like a simple question, but all too often, it is a hard question to answer. We think we know what we want to be when we reach adulthood, but the real question we need to ask is this: what does God want us to be? God knows our heart. He knows our passions. He knows all the qualities we have that will help us succeed in life. That's why prayer is so important. Prayer connects us to God. If we go to God in prayer and ask Him to direct our path, He will lead us to places we never dreamed possible!
Nikki Vaughn | 9798888515617 | JUV033090 | book-has-featured-image