Deborah Needed in the Church Today

Dessa Figueroa


Why would God call a woman into leadership when He has plenty of capable men to choose from? What if a woman has a continual galling dream to minister the gospel? Would God put that burden on a woman?...
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Why would God call a woman into leadership when He has plenty of capable men to choose from? What if a woman has a continual galling dream to minister the gospel? Would God put that burden on a woman?It is time we see women for what God made them to be--not sexual icons but powerful leaders and spiritual mothers of the church body. God fully intends to use the leadership qualities He gave women.In this book, you will discover what the Bible says about women in lead positions; why women are needed and necessary in ministry for the building up of the body of Christ; and why and how God calls, equips, and ordains women leaders to lead alongside the men of God.This book will equip you to encourage women leaders around you. You will learn how to empower women into God's perfect will and plan. Be open to what God may want you to do. Allow yourself to be used in the way God chooses.

Dessa Figueroa | 9781685260422 | REL006740 | BIO018000 | book-has-featured-image